three-children-and-five-adults-killed-in-bus-accident-in-colombiaThree children and five adults killed in bus accident in Colombia
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By Deutsche Welle

03 Sep 2024, 02:02 AM EDT

Police reported that at least eight people died, including three minors, and another 32 were injured on Monday, September 2, in the accident of a bus traveling on a highway in the department of Huila, in southern Colombia.

The accident occurred on the highway that connects San Agustín with Pitalito, at the junction to the municipality of Isnos, reported the authorities who are investigating the causes of the tragedy that involved a group of people who worked in a restaurant and who were going with their families to enjoy a day of recreation.

Bus adapted for dangerous roads

One of the children who died was two years old, another three and the third seven, police reported.

The type of vehicle involved in the accident is known in Colombia as a “staircase bus” or “chiva”, specially adapted to travel the country’s roughest roads and for this reason they are used in rural areas.

The accident occurred on a stretch of road that requires caution due to the complexity of the area and sharp curves.

Four died at the scene of the accident

“We regret to inform that this morning there was a traffic accident involving a public service bus with more than 30 people on board,” authorities said.

Colonel Carlos Harvey Sierra added that four people died at the scene of the accident and another three while receiving medical attention, including minors.

The vehicle left San Agustín and its final destination was Mocoa, capital of the neighboring department of Putumayo, bordering Peru and Ecuador.

The injured were 12 women and 15 men.

Diana Marcela Conde, manager of the San Antonio Hospital in Pitalito, told local media that they received 27 patients, of which 10 were transferred directly from the accident site and 17 from San Agustín.

The injured include 12 women and 15 men, of whom five are minors.

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