natalia-subtil-accuses-sergio-mayer-mori-of-leaving-her-daughter-alone-while-she-was-travelingNatalia Subtil accuses Sergio Mayer Mori of leaving her daughter alone while she was traveling
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

04 Sep 2024, 22:29 PM EDT

In a recent twist in the realm of celebrities and family life, Natalia Subtil made a strong accusation against her ex-partner Sergio Mayer Mori. According to the actress and model, Mayer Mori allegedly left their seven-year-old daughter Mila alone while she was out of Mexico for personal reasons.

In a meeting with the press, the Brazilian revealed that at the end of last month she traveled to her native country to be able to pay her respects to her brother Fernando, who lost his life in a car accident, so she asked the son of Sergio Mayer and Bárbara Mori to stay and take care of the little girl, but a day after her return, she realized that her father left her alone.

Natalia Subtil expressed her discontent and concern, detailing that, during her trip, Sergio Mayer Mori did not take care of her daughter as previously agreed.

“Mila stayed with him. I left her at her grandmother’s house, but suddenly one day she was at her father’s house and the day before returning he went out for a while and my daughter was left alone in the house. I realized this when I was talking to her on a video call. I asked her what she was doing and she didn’t tell me, because they probably told her not to tell me anything. So she cried and told me she was fine and when I asked her if she was alone she told me yes,” said Natalia.

Watch the video at minute 2:45

Finally, the actress and host said that after finishing her trip she immediately went to Sergio’s house to look for Mila, but he had taken her to Bárbara Mori to avoid having a run-in with her because of what had happened.

“He left the girl with Barbara precisely so as not to have the shock of her claiming him. He didn’t tell me. I arrived directly from the airport to his house and he told me on the phone that he had left Mila at his grandmother’s house,” he added.

This event highlights the tensions and challenges that the former couple faces, especially when it comes to co-parenting their daughter and how they will handle the situation for the well-being of the little girl and to maintain a cordial relationship in the future.

Continue reading:

· Sergio Mayer to Natália Subtil: “Enough of blackmail!”

· Meet Mila, the granddaughter for whom Bárbara Mori and Sergio Mayer try to have a cordial relationship

Sergio Mayer claims that his son was abused by Natália Subtil

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