'vampire-juice':-what-ingredients-it-has-and-what-it-is-used-for'Vampire juice': what ingredients it has and what it is used for

Natural juices are a quick, simple and economical way to consume vitamins and minerals by combining fruits and vegetables. Since ancient times, combinations have been made that are associated with raising the immune system and increasing hemoglobin, such is the case of the ‘Vampire’ juice made with beetroot and orange.

This drink is an alternative for people with anemia who want to increase iron levels in their blood. Popularly known as ‘vampire’, this drink provides the body with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Benefits of vampire juice

Juices to lower blood pressure
There are several types of drinks that help lower blood pressure, such as beet, carrot and orange juice.
Credit: Shutterstock

The combination of these two ingredients makes vampire juice a safe source of vitamin C, iron, antioxidants and other compounds that we detail below:

Orange: source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, fiber and potassium, as well as magnesium, phosphorus and, in smaller quantities, calcium, carotenoids, fiber and antioxidants.

Foods to unclog arteries
Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, such as oranges, figs, chickpeas and coffee, are great cardiovascular protectors.
Credit: Photo by Rayia Soderberg on Unsplash | Unsplash

Beetroot: It is considered a ‘superfood’ for its high nutritional value that includes vitamin B6, minerals and essential plant compounds, such as fiber, copper, potassium, folate and iron, according to Healthline.

Beets are good for the heart, muscles and brain.
Credit: Shutterstock

Rich in fiber: Oranges and beets have one component in common: fiber, which is a very necessary element in a healthy diet, as it helps maintain a good digestive system.

Improves gut health: It also helps feed beneficial gut bacteria. High-fiber diets are associated with a number of benefits, including lower risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and obesity, according to Healthline.

High levels of antioxidants: found in components such as beta-carotene, betalains, vitamin E and C, as well as flavonoids.

Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, molecules that are generated during normal cell metabolism, according to the National Cancer Institute. Among the diseases that can cause oxidative stress are: rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer.

In addition to the iron found in beets, there is also vitamin C in oranges, which improves the body’s ability to absorb iron, according to Healthline. The vitamin C in oranges can help take advantage of the iron in beets.

This is how you can prepare orange juice with beetroot

Beetroot has detoxifying properties
Beetroot has detoxifying properties
Credit: Shutterstock

To prepare the ‘vampire’ beet and orange juice, it is recommended to leave the peel on the beet, since it is precisely in that part of the vegetable where much of the fiber is found.

You need 3 oranges, 2 pieces of beetroot and 2 glasses of water

The first thing you should do is cut the beetroot into small pieces without removing the skin, in order to obtain greater benefits. Then, peel the oranges.

When you have all the ingredients ready, place them in a blender and add the two glasses of water. Finally, you will have to grind and the beetroot juice with orange will be ready to drink. If you wish, you can add ice.

Continue reading:

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By Scribe