ana-brenda-contreras-appreciates-the-displays-of-affectionAna Brenda Contreras appreciates the displays of affection
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

Sep 11, 2024, 08:27 AM EDT

Ana Brenda Contreras has been going through a difficult time after the loss of her unborn baby. In her most recent message, the actress expressed her gratitude for the support she has received from her fans and loved ones, who have offered her words of encouragement during this difficult time.

Although two months have passed, Ana Brenda has shared that the healing process has not been easy and that both she and her husband Zacarías Melhem are on a path of emotional recovery.

Through the social network TikTok, Contreras decided to send a message to all those who have shown their empathy for the situation she is going through: “I appreciate all the displays of affection and empathy. This happened almost two months ago and although it is not easy, one day at a time.”

Contreras decided to share her experience in an attempt to open a space for conversation about the loss and grief that many couples face in silence. In doing so, she seeks to not only process her own pain, but also help others who may be going through similar situations, showing that they are not alone in their suffering. Her bravery in speaking out about what she is going through has generated support from her fans.

Ana Brenda Contreras on her loss

“There is a unique pain that comes from preparing a place in your life and in your heart for a baby who never arrives. It doesn’t matter how many weeks it takes, it doesn’t matter that you’ve never held him; your experience and pain are valid,” she began writing in a post shared on the social network of the little camera.

“The day after I experienced this, I met a group of reporters with all these questions, as many women do with their family and friends, many partners, as a clear sign that it is something that needs to be made visible, you never know the battle that each person is fighting. A couple of months have passed and we are fine, with one more little angel in heaven. My love and visibility to all those who go through a loss,” she concluded by saying in the shared post.

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