miss-universe-mexico-2024-talks-about-her-expectations-for-the-pageantMiss Universe Mexico 2024 talks about her expectations for the pageant
Avatar of Julio Blanca

By July White

Sep 14, 2024, 4:31 PM EDT

María Fernanda Beltrán, Miss Universe Mexico 2023, spoke with the Hoy Día program about her expectations to represent her country in the next edition of the beauty pageant.

In an interview with Hoy Día, the model said she is very excited to be the host, since the contest will be held in Mexico City.

“I am very grateful for the opportunity and of course, representing an entire country and having to be the host is a great responsibility, it is a great pride that I carry along with Osmel and the entire organization,” she said.

She also said that she is excited to welcome 130 women from different parts of the world. “We know that we are full of culture, folklore, magic, we are a great country.”

Osmel Sousa was present at the interview and was asked what it takes to win Miss Universe. He refused to answer: “It’s a little secret that I can’t reveal because otherwise they’ll copy me, but don’t worry, because I’m going to be at the side of this beauty, who I’m going to be preparing well so that she’s first a great hostess and then a great and important candidate so she can be in the top spots.”

After her mentor’s intervention, the beauty queen spoke about one of the social campaigns she promotes.

“After being part of cyberbullying, I understood the tools that need to be brought out into the world. This virtual education is very important to have nowadays, to know what needs to be done and what steps to follow,” she said about hate on social media.

María Fernanda said that she has several strategies that go beyond image: “I think that not only physical beauty is important, but the essence of a woman. I think that it is important to work on personal growth as well, and obviously, with all the advice that Osmel gives me to keep moving forward.”

Continue reading:

* VIDEO: “False inclusion” in Miss Universe comes to light; the organization clarifies the controversy
* Ariadna Muro, the 40-year-old woman who wants to represent Italy in Miss Universe
* Latinas in power: Who won the main beauty pageants in 2023?

By Scribe