china-releases-american-pastor-detained-for-nearly-two-decadesChina releases American pastor detained for nearly two decades
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By Deutsche Welle

Sep 15, 2024, 10:40 PM EDT

An American pastor who has been detained in China since 2006 on what Washington has called trumped-up charges has been released, the State Department announced.

David Lin “has returned to the United States and will now see his family for the first time in nearly 20 years,” the spokeswoman for the government agency said.

“We welcome the release of David Lin from prison in the People’s Republic of China,” the spokesperson added.

In addition to Lin, China has detained other US citizens on various charges, including Kai Li, a businessman accused of espionage in 2016.

Accused of contract fraud

Lin was sentenced to life in prison on charges of contract fraud, according to US media, despite Washington’s claims that he was unjustly detained.

His daughter, Alice Lin, told Politico that her 68-year-old father is expected to arrive in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday.

California Governor advocated for his release

U.S. officials have pushed in recent years for the release of Lin and other detainees.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom also advocated for her freedom during a visit to China where he met with President Xi Jinping in October.

Chinese-American pastor David Lin was on a ministry trip to China in 2006 when he was arrested in Beijing after helping a house church build a facility, the Church in Chains website reported.

In 2009, he was found guilty of “contract fraud,” a charge he denies, and was sentenced to life in prison. In 2022, his sentence was reduced and he was scheduled to be released in April 2030, the same outlet added.

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