she-was-a-teacher-in-her-country-and-now-she-is-a-successful-businesswoman-in-the-united-states.She was a teacher in her country and now she is a successful businesswoman in the United States.
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By Luis De Jesus

Sep 15, 2024, 10:38 PM EDT

Erica Montani, an Argentine teacher who taught for years at a school in Buenos Aires, decided to radically change her life. Today, she has become a successful businesswoman in the United States, founder of Omana Soul Healing, a holistic therapy center that has gained popularity in Weston, Florida. Her story is an example of how courage and determination can lead to overcoming any challenge.

Before emigrating, Montani worked as a teacher, but had always maintained a parallel interest in the field of alternative therapies. Over the years, he complemented his educational career with studies in meditation, yoga, reiki and Akashic records, knowledge that he would later merge to create his company, he reports. The Nation from Argentina.

This change of direction, although unexpected for many, was the result of years of preparation and self-knowledge.

In an interview with the Argentine media, she explained that her decision to move to the United States was not hasty. Together with her husband and son, they carried out exhaustive research before taking the final leap.

“We planned a month-long trip to try out what it would be like to live in Weston and make an informed decision. That experience was crucial in convincing us that we wanted to establish our new life here,” she recalled.

From teacher in Argentina to businesswoman in the United States, how did you do it?

The process of emigrating was not easy, but Erica faced it with the same determination that had guided her as a teacher. Upon arriving in the United States, she realized that her experience as an educator had been an unexpected preparation for her new life as an entrepreneur, she says. The Nation.

“School taught me a lot about teamwork, the importance of supporting others in their processes and the value of witnessing people’s growth,” she says.

Omana Soul Healing, the company Montani created with her husband, is dedicated to offering holistic wellness services. Although it started modestly, with a few weekly clients, the business has grown rapidly.

Photo: GaudiLab / Shutterstock

Today, Omana has a team of professionals that includes psychologists, coaches, astrologers, nutritionists and yoga teachers. They serve more than 80 people per week and are located in the Weston Town Center.

How did you achieve success as a therapist?

For Montani, the key to its success lies in the diversity and flexibility of Omana’s offering.

“We want to offer a space where both those seeking to deepen their personal well-being and those going through difficult times can find the necessary support. Each person is different, and our approach is completely personalized,” she explains to The Nation.

He adds: “We were worried about how our proposal would be received, especially as foreigners in a different culture. We were very cautious in our decisions, and that caution was the right choice.”

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