cristian-castro-reveals-his-desire-to-be-the-musical-godfather-of-luis-miguel's-childrenCristian Castro reveals his desire to be the musical godfather of Luis Miguel's children

Mexican singer Cristian Castro once again made public his fondness and “love” for Luis Miguel by mentioning that he would like, at some point, to become the musical godfather of the children of the singer and actress Aracely Arámbula.

During a recent interview with the Mexican program “Ventaneando,” the 49-year-old singer revealed that he wants to “contribute” to the lives of Miguel and Daniel, sons of Luis Miguel and Arámbula, after the youngest of the young men attended a Castro concert with his mother.

Obviously, I would support these kids in everything, and I would really like to be able to help, let’s say, contribute, obviously with a lot of affection that I have for the parents, and if one day I can be, I don’t know, a godfather of one, of singing, I would really like them to choose me, of course I would.”

Cristian Castro surrenders to Luis Miguel

In the same conversation, the singer of “Azul” said that he would like “another Luis Miguel to emerge” through his children, who according to the singer, should “visualize themselves” like their father.

I hope we have a Luis Miguel there, what better than to have this type of people again, this type of artist, I hope these kids can see themselves like this”

In addition, and to achieve this goal, Castro gave Aracely Arámbula advice regarding her efforts to maintain the innocence of her children: “The only thing I would advise Aracely is to keep the innocence of her children as intact as possible.”

This is not the first time that the children of Luis Miguel and Aracely Arámbula have been linked to the artistic scene. Through various interviews, the Mexican actress herself has said that her children have been “very curious” about the world of acting since they were little.

Likewise, the singer of “Perfume de Gardenia” said that her work in television and theater has motivated her children to become more interested in this field. So far, and due to the little information available regarding the lives of the young people, it is unknown if they have a real interest in dedicating themselves to acting or music.

Prior to his interview with Ventaneando, Cristian Castro revealed, in another program, the possible origin of the enmity that exists between him and Luis Miguel. According to the singer, everything would have arisen because of the possible relationship that both had with the Cuban actress and presenter Daisy Fuentes.

However, despite the “distance” that exists between the two, Castro said that she wants to reconcile with Luis Miguel due to the great affection she has for him: “He is affectionate, I will find him one day and I will pamper him.”

By Scribe