they-ask-to-increase-the-reward-for-maduro's-capture-to-$100-millionThey ask to increase the reward for Maduro's capture to $100 million
Avatar of Luis De Jesus

By Luis De Jesus

Republican Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio have introduced a bill to increase the reward for the capture of socialist leader Nicolás Maduro to $100 million.

The proposal seeks to significantly increase the current $15 million reward, established in 2020 during the administration of former President and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The bill, called Stop Maduroaims to encourage the delivery of information that leads to the arrest and conviction of Maduro, who faces alleged charges of drug trafficking, crimes against humanity and other serious crimes, reports Miami Herald.

According to the senators, the reward would be financed with assets seized from officials of the Chavista regime, which amount to approximately $450 million dollars in South Florida.

During the presentation of the project, Rick Scott stressed the need to take stronger measures to capture Maduro and put an end to his regime, which he described as oppressive.

“This measure not only seeks justice for the victims of the Maduro regime, but also sends a clear message that the United States will not tolerate impunity,” he said.

Maduro and his accomplices must “face the consequences”

Marco Rubio, for his part, stressed the importance of international cooperation in this effort and expressed his hope that other countries will join the initiative.

“The international community must come together to ensure that Maduro and his accomplices face the consequences of their actions,” he said.

The proposal has received support from several congressmen and human rights activists, who see in this measure an opportunity to increase pressure on the Venezuelan regime and speed up the process of justice for victims in that country.

The bill Stop Maduro will be debated in the Senate in the coming weeks, and is expected to generate a broad debate on U.S. policy toward Venezuela and strategies to confront authoritarian regimes in the region.

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