today's-weather-in-new-york-for-tuesday,-september-24Today's weather in New York for Tuesday, September 24
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By The Diary

Sep 24, 2024, 06:00 AM EDT

What clothes do we recommend New Yorkers wear when going out in New York this Tuesday? The weather forecast for New Yorkers today indicates temperatures that will fluctuate between a maximum of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20ºC) and a minimum of 61 degrees Fahrenheit (16ºC). The wind chill or “real temperature” expected for today will be a maximum of 68ºF (20ºC) and a minimum of 68ºF (20ºC).

The probability of precipitation is 11% during the day and 25% at night, while the cloudiness percentage will be 14% during the day and 14% after sunset.

Wind gusts will peak at 6.84 mph during the day and 8.08 mph at night, so light clothing is recommended. At this time of year, sunrise will begin at 06:46 a.m., while dusk will occur at 06:48 p.m. In total, there will be 12 hours of sunshine during the day.

The weather forecast for tomorrow in New York

Tomorrow’s weather in New York City will be cloudy with widespread drizzle. Temperatures will range between 63 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (17 and 20ºC). The chance of rain will be 84% in the morning, 84% in the afternoon and 84% at night.

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New York has a humid climate, characterized by cold winters and hot summers. Rain is common throughout the year, with thunderstorms during the summer and snowfall in the winter. The proximity of the Atlantic coast helps to soften the extreme variations in temperature. The coldest months are December and March, while the hottest are between July and August.

What is the weather like in the United States?

A country as large as the United States has very different climates depending on the area and the season of the year. For example, on the East Coast, the climates that predominate are the humid subtropical climate of the southeastern region of the country and the humid continental climate further north, specifically, at latitudes between 40° N and 70° N.

The Northeast United States has a humid continental climate with constant rainfall throughout the year, which turns into thunderstorms in summer and snow in winter. The Southeast United States has a humid subtropical climate with warm summers, cool winters, and abundant precipitation.

In the western United States there are at least three major climates: semiarid, arid, and Mediterranean. The cold semiarid climate covers the central part of the West and from north to south of the United States, with little precipitation and low temperatures.

The Southwest has a cold or hot arid climate, with freezing winters and mild summers, and very cold and very mild summers. Both have little chance of precipitation throughout the year. The Mediterranean climate is found in the coastal area of ​​the American West and has rainy, mild winters and hot, dry summers.

By Scribe