karina-banda-reveals-the-operation-they-performed-on-her-because-she-was-“immature”Karina Banda reveals the operation they performed on her because she was “immature”
Cindy Quevedo Avatar

By Cindy Quevedo

27 Sep 2024, 2:16 PM EDT

Karina Banda revealed that, although she has always been open about various aspects of her life, there was a cosmetic procedure that she had not previously discussed, not even with her husband Carlos Ponce. The Mexican explained that she decided to undergo cosmetic surgery in the past, a fact that surprised her colleagues and, without a doubt, the viewers of ‘Desiguales’.

“I think it is important, before surgery, to talk well with the doctor, to tell you what all the risks are, what can happen to you, so that you do it with information,” he said.

The presenter emphasized the importance of being honest about cosmetic surgeries and how these decisions are personal and can be motivated by various reasons. Additionally, Karina commented that, while some women may feel pressured to follow imposed beauty standards, she made her decision thoughtfully, thinking about her own self-esteem and well-being.

“I had liposuction done, in fact, none of you here knew because it’s not something I’m talking about,” he mentioned.

Karina and her colleagues also discussed the need to have good information and advice before opting for any procedure. Throughout the conversation, priority was given to mental and physical health, suggesting that the most important thing is to feel good about yourself, regardless of the aesthetic decisions that are made.

“It was an immature Karina who always wanted to get a breast. And when the time comes for me to talk to my dad to support me financially to have the surgery, I say: ‘Not the bust better, because I’m very small and if I gain weight I’m going to look bigger… What should I do? what do I do? Oh! “I’m going to have liposuction done,” he added.

“Within this nonsense in my head of ‘I want to do something’ you don’t measure, you don’t measure,” he expressed in front of the Univision cameras.

Karina’s honesty about her experience resonated with many people, sparking a healthy debate on social media about the perception of beauty and self-acceptance. Her bravery in sharing this aspect of her life not only strengthens her connection with her audience, but also invites reflection on what it really means to be authentic in a world full of expectations about appearance.

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