venezuela-asks-to-capture-judges-and-deputies-from-argentinaVenezuela asks to capture judges and deputies from Argentina
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By Deutsche Welle

01 Oct 2024, 01:28 AM EDT

The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office requested arrest warrants for more than 10 officials from Argentina, after, days before, a court in the Caribbean country ordered the arrest of three senior officials from the southern nation, including the Argentine president, Javier Milei, reported the Venezuelan attorney general, Tarek William Saab.

In a televised appearance, Saab explained that due to the same case of “aggravated robbery” that weighs on Milei – for which the Venezuelan Justice also ordered the arrest of the Secretary General of Argentina, Karina Milei, and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich – The Prosecutor’s Office has requested another 11 arrest warrants with their respective requests for international red alert.

Arrest warrants for officials

Among those newly requested are judges Carlos Vallefín and Roberto Lemos Árias, of the Federal Court of Appeals of La Plata, “who ordered the prohibition of the crew members from leaving that country” of the Venezuelan-Iranian plane that was detained in Buenos Aires and was sent to the United States in February 2024.

For the same case, the Prosecutor’s Office also requests the arrest of deputies Ricardo López, Yamil Santoro and Geraldo Milman; to Judge Federico Villenas; to the prosecutors Cecilia Incardona, Diego Iglesias and Franco Rinaldi, as well as the lawyers Leonardo Camicher and María Eugenia Talerico.

All of these people are accused of “aggravated robbery, money laundering, illegitimate deprivation of liberty, simulation of a punishable act, illicit interference, disabling of an aircraft and conspiracy to commit a crime,” according to the prosecutor.

Furthermore, in response to the arrest warrant that the Argentine Justice issued against the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, Saab announced the issuance of eight arrest requests against the people who are behind this “international alignment” that seeks – as he said – to affect to the Chavista Government.

“Abusing his power”

In this case, the Prosecutor’s Office has asked Justice for “arrest warrants and issuance of a red alert” against “those who have acted by usurping functions and abusing their power,” among whom it mentioned the president of the Argentine Forum for the Defense of Democracy and Secretary of Public Affairs of Buenos Aires, Waldo Wolf.

Prosecutors José Agüero Iturbe and Carlos Stornelli appear on the same list; judges Mariano Llorens, Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi, as well as Ana Cristina Juans, secretary of the Federal Criminal and Correctional Chamber of Buenos Aires.

Bullrich, who already has an arrest warrant in Venezuela, was also included in the list of those accused in this case, with a second request, for having been “present at the hearing, pressuring judges and prosecutors, to take that absurd ” decision to apprehend Maduro, a measure “totally unworthy and that cannot be executed,” according to Saab.

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