the-new-citizens-and-the-importance-of-voting-on-november-5-(podcast)The new citizens and the importance of voting on November 5 (podcast)
Avatar of Jesus Garcia

By Jesus Garcia

01 Oct 2024, 17:39 PM EDT

Citizens naturalized as Americans have the right to vote in the November 5 general election and in highly competitive states they can make a difference in the outcome.

A new poll from the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) finds 76% saying they “definitely will vote” and nearly 22% reporting they “probably will vote.”

This, according to the analysis, adds up to an approximate commitment of 98% participation in the elections.

He adds that 84% of respondents say they are paying attention to the race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

“Voters surveyed were most concerned about the high cost of living, inflation and the economy, closely followed by immigration,” the report states.

It stands out that 90% support the need for immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, something that new citizens will take into consideration when exercising their vote.

Former President Trump’s recent rhetoric about mass deportations and the so-called “invasion” is a speech that also impacts those who already have citizenship.

“A majority (almost 62%) believe that what happens to immigrants in the United States will affect them,” the poll says.

Nancy Flores, deputy director of NPNA, delved into the podcast “El Diario Sin Límites” about the survey of new voters and their main concerns.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify or click the link below.

The rhetoric of the Republican Party and former President Trump about the supposed voting of “non-citizens,” referring to undocumented immigrants and other immigrants who supposedly vote in the election.

Flores also acknowledged that this type of message affects new citizens.

>> Why is it important for new citizens to exercise their right to vote?
>> What are the states where naturalized citizens could influence with their vote?
>> How many naturalized citizens will be able to vote this year?

More episodes:
· In which states have anti-immigrant laws increased?
· Kamala Harris against Trump, why should Latinos pay attention to the debate?
· What should Kamala Harris attend to in immigration?

By Scribe