you-probably-didn't-know:-this-is-what-yams-are-forYou probably didn't know: this is what yams are for

Yam is a tuber native to America, it is rich in bioactive compounds that exert anti-inflammatory effects and has a large amount of nutrients. Although it contains starch, yam has a low glycemic index, as it provides complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

A study in the scientific journal Molecules reveals that yam is mainly composed of yam polysaccharides, polyphenols, phenanthrene derivatives and steroid saponin derivatives that help prevent diseases.

When reviewing the nutritional value of yam, we find that it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and group B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin). As well as minerals, including potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, iron and phosphorus.

How yam helps memory

A work published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States indicates that yam contains diosgenin, an effective component that promotes neuronal activity, improves cognitive function and learning skills.

In addition, other components that promote memory such as vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. It is estimated that this nutrient contributes to encouraging normal brain development, keeping the nervous system and immune system healthy, and the creation of neurotransmitters.

Other health benefits of yams

Contributes to weight loss: this tuber rich in fiber has a peculiarity, and that is that the soluble fiber forms a kind of gel in the stomach that helps increase the time to digest food, which in turn generates a feeling of satiety and decreases between meals.

Helps improve digestion: due to its high fiber content, the consumption of yams is associated with improving digestive functions, and promotes intestinal transit, preventing constipation.

Improve cardiovascular health: Because yam is low in fat and high in potassium, it contributes to cardiovascular health.

Rich in nutrients: yam is a source of fiber, vitamins such as C and B6, and minerals such as potassium and manganese.

Regulates blood sugar levels: Due to the fiber and complex carbohydrates in yams, they help regulate blood sugar levels.

Yam puree recipe

Although it contains starch, yam has a low glycemic index.
Credit: Shutterstock

This tuber can be used in the same way as potatoes, so it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Due to its characteristics, it is a garnish to combine with other foods and can be the ingredient for breads, soups, desserts and purees.

One of the ways to consume yams is puree to accompany other foods. For a smooth and delicious puree we will share the quantities and how to prepare it.


1 kg of yam

2 liters of water

6 tablespoons (100 ml) skimmed milk

200 ml of cream

2 and ½ tablespoons unsalted butter

Salt and black pepper to taste.

The recipe is quite simple and consists of washing the yams well, adding them to a pot with water and bringing them to the heat. They should be cooked over medium heat until soft. Then, with the help of a clean cloth, peel the yams, preferably while they are still hot, cut them and blend them together with the milk.

Heat a frying pan, add the cream and butter over medium heat until the butter melts and add the liquefied yam to the pan, mixing well with a spoon. Season with salt and pepper, and cook until the desired consistency is obtained.

Add the salt and black pepper and let it cook a little, until you obtain a cream with a puree consistency. Wait until it is warm and serve.

Keep reading:

  • 5 tricks that will help you cook potatoes faster
  • The tuber that strengthens memory and neuronal growth
  • How to make French fries identical to Lays or Ruffles, quick and easy

By Scribe