evo-morales-is-investigated-in-bolivia-for-sexual-abuse-against-a-minorEvo Morales is investigated in Bolivia for sexual abuse against a minor
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By The Diary

04 Oct 2024, 02:14 AM EDT

Former President Evo Morales, bitterly opposed to the Government of Luis Arce in Bolivia, is being investigated for the rape of a minor eight years ago, when he was in power, and with whom he would have had a daughter, revealed the Minister of Justice, César Siles.

“We have observed with indignation serious crimes that are intended to go unpunished: I am referring specifically to a girl, a girl raped at 15, at 16 years old,” the official said at a press conference.

“The teenager became pregnant”

According to Siles, “as a result of that rape (the mother) gave birth to another girl and the father recognized on a birth certificate, (is) Mr. Evo Morales Ayma.” “There is an open process” that “is under investigation,” added the minister, reported the Deutsche Welle information agency.

Morales is at the center of a scandal that broke out on Wednesday, October 2, when prosecutor Sandra Gutiérrez reported that she was dismissed for requesting the arrest of the former president in the framework of an investigation for “human trafficking” involving a minor. .

In the arrest resolution against Morales – whose sections were leaked to the press – it is indicated that in 2016 the then president became involved with a 15-year-old minor with whom he had a daughter.

“Seeing the report that is presented within the complaint, a prosecutor’s resolution of arrest has been issued against Mr. Juan Evo Morales and against other people who would be linked to the crime of human trafficking,” he told the country’s press. , the Tarija prosecutor, Sandra Gutiérrez.

The prosecutor of Tarija, Sandra Gutiérrez, confirms that there was an arrest warrant against #EvoMorales for the crimes of statutory rape and trafficking; However, Morales presented an action for freedom in #SantaCruz and it was ineffective. A minor is a victim. pic.twitter.com/gE80CE1qEK

— Contact Bolivia (@ContBolivia) October 3, 2024

“I’m not afraid,” says Morales

Without referring to the file, Morales published on his account on the social network All neoliberal governments, including the current one, threatened me, persecuted me, imprisoned me, tried to kill me. I’m not afraid! “They won’t shut me up!”

A Santa Cruz judge accepted an appeal from Morales’ lawyers that annulled the arrest warrant, after which prosecutor Gutiérrez assured that she was dismissed on the instructions of the attorney general, Juan Lanchipa, shared Deutsche Welle.

Morales governed Bolivia between 2006 and 2019 and promoted the electoral victory of his successor Luis Arce, who was his Minister of Economy for more than a decade.

Both leaders broke up and today they dispute the leadership of the ruling party and the presidential nomination for the 2025 general elections.

With information from Deutsche Welle

Keep reading:

  • Biden affirms that Venezuela and Bolivia have not fulfilled agreements against drug trafficking
  • Luis Arce warns Evo Morales after failed coup in Bolivia: “Don’t make a mistake”
  • Evo Morales says that Arce “deceived” the world with a military uprising in Bolivia: “It looks like a self-coup”

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