
Shortly after the launch of the vaccines against covid-, stories began to emerge of women experiencing changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving immunization.

For a long time, this it did not attract much media attention, and many medical experts continued to assure the public that coronavirus vaccines did not cause these side effects. Such stories remained confined to conversations, internet forums and social networks.

Some women began to show that after the two doses of the vaccine, their menstrual cycles began to be different, such as heavy bleeding and more pain than usual.

Vaccines can affect menstruation

Now, a first-of-its-kind, female-led, peer-reviewed study confirms the experiences of some women: vaccines against the coronavirus can affect menstrual periods.

With a data set of almost 4,000 women, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and with the use of a menstrual cycle tracking app, the researchers found a clinically significant change in the cycles of the newly vaccinated women, with an average length of almost a day longer.

Generally, cycles They returned to normal in a month or two. However, some women wondered why this possible side effect was not reported before receiving the vaccine.

Usually the cycles return to the normal in a month or two. (Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels)
Menstrual information is not tracked in clinical studies of coronavirus vaccines. Not to mention, menstrual side effects aren’t tracked in Vaers, the US-based database that allows vaccinates to enter possible side effects themselves.

Talking about menstruation is taboo

Menstruation is one of the basic reference points in the health of women of reproductive age. However, “talking about menstruation is still a taboo,” considers senior editor Sonya Diehn of DW.

“Time and time again, reports that reported alterations in the menstrual cycle after receiving the vaccines. Especially the well-intentioned defenders of vaccination, who try to counter unfounded claims that vaccines could harm fertility”, he wrote for the portal.

Even after the menstruation study was published, “I read headlines that downplayed their conclusions,” he added. Of course, some women have experienced no change in their menstrual cycles, or any that they have noticed. But the lack of information could have a strong psychological effect on women who do experience significant changes without knowing why.

Criticisms of vaccines are dismissed because they are considered irrational or delusions of the “ conspiracy theorists”. However, “it should be possible to discuss any legitimate topic without shame or punishment,” Sonya wrote.

As a result of medical experts not listening to valid concerns, some women may have lost their faith in vaccination.

“We have to eliminate the taboos when it comes to talking about the menstrual period. We need to make female reproductive health more central to education and health care. Society and science need to listen to women”, she concluded.

With information from DW/ Sonya Diehn.

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