
William Levy has established himself as a media phenomenon in Spain thanks to the success of the telenovela ‘Café con aroma de mujer’, to the point that the actor of Cuban origin acts this year as ambassador and image of the El Corte Inglés department store at the same time and, just a few weeks ago, he has been filming a new miniseries in the country called ‘Montecristo’.

The handsome artist’s stay on the peninsula has led him to personally meet to some of his most notorious fans. Without going any further, this week William has enjoyed a lively lunch with the journalist Susanna Griso, presenter of the morning program ‘Espejo Público’.

The informant has not been slow to publish a photo that portrays her smiling and sharing a table with the attractive artist, an image that has been accompanied by a poison dart towards a famous professional colleague.

“I am very afraid that Mercedes Milá is not going to forgive me for this lunch with William Levy”, he has written in a humorous tone to attract the attention of the incombustible television star, as well as to provoke a jealousy attack that, of course, has not taken long to manifest itself on social networks.

The also journalist and at the time presenter of ‘Big Brother’ has republished the photo of William and Susanna together with a brief text that gives a good account of the envy that corrodes her.

“ I will never forgive you cute Susanita! Never. First you started with the cardboard and now natural. Very bad very bad. I’ve gotten sick, so you know,” joked Mercedes, who was by no means the only celebrity to express her desire to have been in Susanna’s place.

On the other hand , the young singer Omar Montes has also reacted with some spite, but in this case due to how “in love” he is with the former news host. “I thought that ours was serious, you have failed me…”, he addressed Susanna with apparent sadness and drama.

By Scribe