
The current situation between Russia and Ukraine has put not only these countries but the entire world on alert, as there are those who are convinced that this conflict could escalate into a new World War.

It has previously been said that in the event of World War III, it could be biological or nuclear, the latter being the most worrying in recent days after President Vladimir Putin ordered that the nuclear force in Russia be placed on high alert after several countries, especially from the West, imposed sanctions against his nation for the invasion of Ukraine.

Although British Prime Minister Boris Johnson affirms that the threat is a Putin “distraction” tactic, Russia is known to have about 4,500 nuclear warheads. Even if only one of them was used, this could cause multiple deaths and damage that would last for a long time.

Are you prepared to survive a nuclear attack? Surely not because you have hardly imagined such a gloomy scenario.

In case this happens and you survive the initial explosion, the first thing you should do is seek shelter inside a dense and stable structure. Then, according to the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the following items must be available to guarantee survival:

1) A gallon of water per person, per day, and for at least 3 days.
2) 3-day supply of non-perishable food.
3) Have a battery operated or manual radio – Staying tuned and getting information after a nuclear incident will be crucial to your survival. A weather radio will also be extremely important after a nuclear catastrophe.
4) Flashlight and batteries.
5) First aid kit.
6) Whistle to call for help.
7) Mask against dust and gases.
8) Wet wipes, garbage bags and plastic ties.
9) Key or clamps to close the keys of public services.
) Can opener.
11) Local maps.

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By Scribe